Trading instruments |
logo Pip value calculator
Pip value calculator
Use the power of the Pip Value Calculator to improve your trading strategy. Accurately calculate pip values, enabling you to make informed and strategic decisions in the dynamic world of Forex. Add precision to your trades and optimise your overall trading experience with this invaluable tool.
logo Margin calculator
Margin calculator
Effortlessly calculate margins to make strategic, informed decisions in your trading endeavours. Enhance your trading experience with this essential calculator and gain insight to effectively manage risk and optimise your overall trading strategy.
logo Commission calculator
Commission calculator
Improve your trading strategy with the Commission Calculator. Accurately assess commissions to make informed and strategic decisions in the dynamic world of Forex trading. Optimise your trading experience by using this valuable tool to ensure you have a clear understanding of costs and enable you to trade more strategically.
logo Profit and loss calculator
Profit and loss calculator
Improve your trading strategy with the Profit and Loss Calculator. Effortlessly calculate profits and losses, enabling you to make more informed decisions in the dynamic world of Forex trading. This invaluable tool provides clarity on your trading results, allowing you to optimise your strategy and refine your approach based on accurate profit and loss assessments.

Risk Warning

Before embarking on Forex trading, it is essential to thoroughly evaluate your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk tolerance. Never allocate funds that you cannot afford to lose.

Off-exchange foreign exchange transactions carry significant risks, encompassing leverage, credit risk, limited regulatory protections, and market volatility. These factors can significantly influence currency prices and liquidity.

Furthermore, the leverage inherent in forex trading means that market fluctuations can result in substantial gains or losses relative to your initial investment. If market conditions go against you, you may risk losing your entire initial margin and be required to inject additional funds to maintain your position. Failure to meet margin requirements may lead to position liquidation and subsequent losses for which you bear responsibility

Before embarking on Forex trading, it is essential to thoroughly evaluate your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk tolerance. Never allocate funds that you cannot afford to lose.

Off-exchange foreign exchange transactions carry significant risks, encompassing leverage, credit risk, limited regulatory protections, and market volatility. These factors can significantly influence currency prices and liquidity.

Furthermore, the leverage inherent in forex trading means that market fluctuations can result in substantial gains or losses relative to your initial investment. If market conditions go against you, you may risk losing your entire initial margin and be required to inject additional funds to maintain your position. Failure to meet margin requirements may lead to position liquidation and subsequent losses for which you bear responsibility